Warrior Day
This Friday is a big day! Warrior Day begins at noon with a pizza party. Students are all divided into 2 teams White v. Blue for a day of fun competitions, including a team dance off! At 2:15 we will have a pep rally and hope ALL OF YOU COME! Our first basketball games will begin at 4:30pm. Your student may paint their faces blue, white, silver and may put the same colors in their hair (that wash out!). It's a fun day. Join the fun and plan to be a part!!
Basketball Season
The basketball season begins this Friday with three games against Westside Christian and continues next Tuesday with games at Columbia Christian. Come along and bring your support for our team! We still need volunteers to sign up to help with tickets and at the concession stand. The link to this is here: rmd.me/bdeXxkRSb2Q.
PeeWee Basketball
We will be sponsoring Pee Wee teams for students in grades 3-6th. Forms will go out electronically and on paper this week. Please watch for these. In order to have teams, we are strongly encouraging all students in these ages to play!
Report Cards
Report Cards and Student Profiles go out for the first quarter on Friday October 25th. Unlike previous years, these do not need to be signed and returned. If you have any questions regarding anything on the report cards or profiles, please contact the teachers listed at the top of the profile.
Student Showcase
Our annual Student Showcase is coming up soon and we would like you to save the date for this event! It will be taking place at 6:30pm on Thursday November 7th. It is a fantastic opportunity to see firsthand the work that your children have been doing so far this year.