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Are you ready to apply for admission at Legacy Academy for your student, or to at least learn more? The admission process is easy. 


At any time, you may contact the office and request a tour or a meeting to learn more about the school.


To apply:


1. Begin by submitting the online application (below) or picking up a paper application from the school office. 


2. After you've applied, we will set a time for an interview. The interview process gives you and Legacy Academy the opportunity to explore if the school is the best fit for your student. When applying, we will also review your student's attendance at his/her current school, as well as review previous academics, and identified educational needs. An academic assessment by a Legacy staff member is also included in this process.


3. If you are interested in tuition assistance, there is more than one scholarship and assistance program that could help your student. We can cover these with you in the interview process. 


4. Upon acceptance, you'll be guided in completing all the necessary registration paperwork.


*There is a required application fee. Fees may be made in person or online.


We will help you every step of the way!



Legacy Academy is committed to helping ensure every family that wants to be here is able to do so. There are multiple scholarship programs that can assist your family with tuition. Tuition can be paid in full, by semester, or on a monthly payment plan. 


Full-time Pre-K: $4,000 for one year.


Contact the office for K-12 tuition details.




Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance

There are multiple scholarship programs that students may apply for in order to receive financial assistance with tuition. Primary scholarships include:


Eva Wood Legacy Scholarship

Eva Wood was an educator and a devoted follower of Christ who through the years opened doors for many children to have wonderful opportunities. This scholarship is in her honor.


It is our commitment that a shortage or lack of finances will NEVER stop a child from attending Legacy Academy. If the only thing keeping your child from attending Legacy is a financial obstacle we are committed to helping you overcome this. We are determined to steward our finances well and live sacrificially so that this opportunity is afforded to all of our students. We want to partner with you to make this dream a reality for your child.  Parents are asked to also be sacrificial and find a way to participate in the financial cost of this opportunity.


The scholarship is awarded one school year at a time. After making application (either online or through the school office) you will be contacted for a scholarship interview. Scholarships can be up to 70% of a student’s tuition. We ask families to do all they can, allowing us to help as many students as possible. Ask for the amount that is needed for your child and your particular situation. After the interview we will contact you by mail with a scholarship decision letter.


LEARNS Act - Education Freedom Accounts

Under Governor Sarah Huckabee Sander's leadership, the Arkansas legislature passed historic education reform that has broad support in the polls amongst democrats and republicans and the majority of every population demographic. The LEARNS Act empowers parents to choose where their child goes to school and sets up Education Freedom accounts that the parents can direct dollars to qualified private schools in order to help pay for tuition. This program is phased in over three years, which means we are not far from universal funding to help every Arkansas family choose the education they desire for their child without being limited by financials. The new accounts will provide 90% of the state's education foundation formula, which will pay full tuition for a student at Legacy Academy.


Here's how the new Education Freedom Accounts work for private school students:



  • All incoming Kindergarten students qualify.

  • All families on a Succeed Scholarship will convert to the new program.

  • All students in a foster care program qualify.

  • All students whose parents are active military.

  • All students who Iive in an "F" rated public school district (none of our immediate surrounding districts, but does include Mineral Springs Elementary, Blevins, and the Arkansas Virtual Academy elementary).


In 2024-2025, this program expands further to include all of the above and add:

  • Any student who lives in a "D" rated district. We will have to wait on this year's ratings but currently, this would include students who live in the Ashdown district.

  • Children of military veterans.

  • Children of first responders.


In 2025-26, this program includes all the above and expands further to include ALL students in Arkansas.



There are new full tuition scholarships available through a new program managed by The Reform Alliance. The scholarship is income-based and dependent upon the size of your household.


Student will be eligible for this new scholarship if your family/household income is below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines and EITHER you are enrolling in Kindergarten this year, a student moving from public to private school, OR you received an educational scholarship at another private school last academic year.

Students who receive ACE scholarships are unable to receive the Philanthropic scholarship at the same time. 


ACE Scholarship

An ACE Scholarship will pay a maximum of $4,500 per year for grades K-8 and $5,500 per year for high school. The families are responsible for working out a payment plan with the school for the remainder of the tuition. Financial guidelines apply.

ACE Scholarships works with low-income families from a variety of different circumstances across numerous states. To qualify for an ACE scholarship, a family must meet the income requirements for the federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program.

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Other Scholarships

Legacy Academy students are fortunate to be considered for tuition assistance from other scholarship programs. These programs include national, statewide, and local support. Please contact the office to determine if your student is eligible for any additional scholarships. 


There are no scholarships available for Pre-K level.


Contact the school office to find out more information about the scholarships available at Legacy Academy.

Contact Us

© 2019 Legacy Academy


124 Darter Circle 

Lockesburg, Arkansas 71846

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