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Writer's pictureLegacy Academy

LA News -- May 6th

Founder's Note

This week we received not one, but two encouraging notes from strangers outside of our school about our students. The first was from a potter who visited our school this week to put on demonstrations for our students. She praised them as the best behaved and most attentive, polite students she's ever dealt with. The second was from a mom who said our girls showed her daughter such kindness, sportsmanship, encouragement, and help at this week's state track meet. These kinds of notes are gold to us.

It is easy in the midst of day-to-day challenges to not see the tremendous difference we are making. What we are doing IS WORKING! Our students are capturing the values and becoming Christ-like more and more. It is a beautiful thing.

It is such a good reminder to us as parents and as a school partnering with families that we mustn't be distracted by the fads of culture, criticism of others, those who may not understand your faith, or at times even resistance from your own kids! Your faithfulness in putting Christ first and building core Biblical values into their hearts, along with your diligence to reduce ungodly influences in their lives and to provide them a godly environment will work.

Good job, parents! Good job, teachers! Let's keep up the good work. It will bless them and serve them well for their entire lives!

“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6

Also, this week is Teacher Appreciation Week and many of our parents have put together some efforts to celebrate and honor our teachers. We are fortunate to have an amazing team of servants who believe in the mission of Christian education and devote themselves to our students with such tremendous effort. We are grateful for each one of them. Please help us honor them this week with an extra dose of gratitude!

Coming Up

  • M-F -- Senior Girls Off-Season Basketball Practice 7am

  • M--Pancake breakfast for Upper Level Boys' Discipleship (please arrive by 7:45am)

  • M-Th --Boys Off Season Basketball 3-5pm

  • Tu 5/7-9 -- Benchmark Exams

  • Tu 5/7 -- Athletics Banquet 630pm

  • W 5/8 -- Senior Cap & Gown Walk

  • Fr 5/10 -- Water Day


  • Tu 5/14 -- Honor & Awards Ceremony

  • Fr 5/17 -- Commencement & Last Day of School

  • Sat/Sun 5/18-19 Otter Basketball

  • Fr 5/24 -- Student Profiles sent home



Saturday's track meet was unfortunately called off partway through the afternoon due to the storms in the area without all of the events being completed. We currently do not know if and when the meet will be rescheduled to allow all events to be held, but we will communicate to you these updates as we hear them.



Girls on the senior girls' team next year will begin off-season basketball practice at 7am each morning M-F.


  • The boys will practice each afternoon M-Th this week. No practice after Water Day on Friday.

Parents, if your son is in 6th-11th grades please be sure your athlete attends off-season basketball practices.

Jason Otter will be with us Saturday and Sunday afternoon 5/18-19 for basketball workouts. Additional details will be sent this week.


Also, please save the week of June 3-6. Otter will be hosting a Point Guard camp in McKinney, Texas. This is a rare chance for some of our players to get to play up in a more challenging environment with other competitive players their age. They run a camp simultaneously for younger and older players. The camp (including hotel accommodations) is usually $850. Legacy athletes can attend for $500. Coaches will be in touch with more details this week.

Benchmark Testing This Week-- Tues-Thurs

Students from Kindergarten to 10th grade will be taking annual Benchmark Tests this week. For Lower Level students, these will be on Tu, W, Th. Upper Level testing will happen on Tu and W. Please make an extra effort to ensure your child arrives on time, is well rested and well fed.

Athletics Banquet -- Tuesday, May 7 6:30pm

Legacy Academy is holding its very first athletics banquet this year. With the expansion of our athletics program to include Cross Country, the athletics award presentation will be taking place separately from our Honor and Awards program. The banquet will be held at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, May 7 in the LA Auditorium

All basketball, track, and cross country athletes from grades 6 to 12 are required to attend and encouraged to invite their families. If you have not RSVP'd and would like to attend, please contact Mrs. Webb or Mr. Smallwood (;

If you have other questions regarding the event, contact Mrs. Webb (

Senior Week!

Senior Assembly: Tuesday at 2:15pm our seniors will speak to our entire student body to reflect on their time at Legacy Academy and share their advice to students. You are welcome to join us in the auditorium.

Senior Walk & Reception: Wednesday, 1:30-3:00. This is the last day for seniors. They will have their senior walk through the hallway in their caps and gowns and a reception with Upper Level students to roast and toast them! Parents, family members, and friends are welcome to join us for this special time.

Water & Field Day -- Friday, May 10

Water & Field Day is on May 10th this year and it is always a very fun day for our students! We are seeking volunteers to help with set up that morning, running the games, serving lunch, and cleaning up. We recommend your child bring water shoes, sunscreen, a towel, and a change of clothes. More info to come soon! Parent volunteers are needed. Please plan to help that day!

The schedule will be a normal 8am-3pm day. We will not dismiss early on Water Day.

Contact Mrs. Wright if you are able to help (

Honor & Awards Ceremony -- Tuesday, May 14

Honor & Awards Ceremony will take place on Tuesday, May 14 in the LA Auditorium. At the end of another successful school year, we want to take an evening to reflect on the past year and to honor that which is worthy of honor. "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things" (Philippians 4:8).

As well as academic success, Honor & Awards Ceremony will include our Kindergarten graduation and will celebrate character, effort and diligence, athletic achievement, and hard work, and will culminate with the presentation of the Legacy Honor Award.

All students are required to attend. Students should wear their formal uniforms.

Family, friends, and members of the public are welcome!

Commencement Ceremony

Commencement 2024 is happening on Friday, May 17. We ask that the entire school body, families, and friends celebrate with our graduates by attending Commencement.

Campus Help Needed

Springtime weather is here, and it is time for mowing and weed-eating again. Please contact the office and help us this week!

We also have a list of maintenance needs on-campus that range from changing lightbulbs and hanging up signs to welding. If you are able to help with any of these campus projects, please call the office. 

SUMMER Programs & Camps

Final details and sign ups for all summer programs will go home this week. Please be on the look out and respond asap!

Time to Re-Enroll

If you have not yet done so, please complete your application for re-enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year. Current families have priority consideration in enrollment. Please submit your re-enrollment form this week.

Scholarship Updates--important LEARNS NEWS

EFA Renewals and New Applications

Renewals Now Open; New Applications Now Open!

It's time! Please contact the office now to check on scholarship eligibility for your students!

Parents should already have completed renewals for EFA funding for the 2024-25 school year. If you have not, then please contact the office.

Applications for new families to receive EFA are now open on the ADE EFA portal HERE. Expanded eligibility categories for the 2024-2025 school year are listed below.

If you have questions about how to do this, please contact the office.

Philanthropic Scholarships

PIAK is now open, families can apply with this link. This scholarship applies to any students transferring from a public school to a private school for the first time or entering into Kindergarten for the first time (must turn 5 before August 1st) AND whose family’s income is no more than 200% of the federal poverty guidelines.

We are Enrolling New Students

We are Hiring!

Don't forget we need substitutes. Please contact the office if you might be able to sub --

We are beginning our hiring efforts for next school year, as well. Help us find the perfect teacher match and fill positions!

We are currently needing to hire an additional lower-level teacher, two additional daycare workers, and a maintenance person for the campus!

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