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LA News -- March 26th

Writer's picture: Legacy AcademyLegacy Academy

Our Ministry

Legacy Families,

Hopefully, Spring Break has been a great time together for your family. In a busy world, it is challenging at times to simply be together and cherish the moments we have to love each other. We know when raising children that these moments slip by quickly...too quickly!

As we wrap another school year, we want to finish strong. We also want to pause and thank God for His faithfulness to our school. Legacy Academy is not simply a private school. It truly is a ministry. It is a vehicle for the gospel of Christ. It is a safe haven for Christian families in a world of chaos. It is a place where the ways of Christ and Biblical values are loved and not hated.

Every ministry faces challenges and growing pains. It's especially beautiful to see families faithfully commit together with their children to stay steadfast in ministry, to work through difficulties, and continue in their role of helping ensure our area has a Christian school. It truly is miraculous that we have a thriving, growing, successful Christian school in our area. The Lord's faithfulness, your dedication as families, and the sacrificial service of our teachers make it possible. It is seeing the impossible happen in front of our own eyes!

This year, we have watched the Lord guide us again through each challenge that has arisen. We pray that through it we have learned, become more like Him, grown in Him, and even witnessed Him use the difficult moments to help us all improve!

The Christian life is a joy. Too often we focus on the things that aren't going well, the difficulties, the trials, and the imperfections. Yet, when we step back we can count so many blessings. Even in our trials we are blessed if we are in Christ--saved, redeemed, and secure in Him. In our stumbles, we can be grateful for the learning opportunity and that He comes alongside us and through His love tutors us. We have so much to be grateful for. Every church and ministry is the same way and this includes Christian education. As we prepare for the busy rush of the last quarter with track, Spring Follies, Spring Formal, Water Day, Awards Ceremony, and Commencement, the stretch will be busy. However, we can run the race with joy knowing a perfect God has given us, imperfect humans, something truly beautiful.

So as we finish the year, let us be grateful.

First, for our amazing teachers--who are truly ministers on the mission field. Their sense of calling to the ministry in Christian education is critical to our mission. For them, working here is not simply a teaching job. It is fulfilling the will of the Lord to sacrificially love and serve our students and their families.

We are also so grateful for our students. They are the treasure of the Lord. We want to see them grow in the admonition of the Lord. Surrounding them with the truth of God and the love of God allows the opportunity to see them become the men and women God has destined them to become.

Lastly, we finish the school year with our renewed commitment to pray for you, our parents. You have a tremendous job to secure your children in the faith, and teach them to hate sin and love righteousness. Your job is challenged by a dark corrupt culture, the busyness of life, and a million distractions. Yet, God chose you to raise children in this time. He knows you are up to the task if you draw close to Him, walk with Him, and partner with Him. Making your relationship with Christ the most important thing in your life is the greatest gift you can give your children. We know your job is a big one so we are praying for you without ceasing!

Let's finish 2022-23 strong!

LEARNS Act--The New Education Plan:

Under Governor Sarah Huckabee Sander's leadership, the Arkansas legislature passed historic education reform that has broad support in the polls amongst democrats and republicans and the majority of every population demographic. The LEARNS Act empowers parents to choose where their child goes to school and sets up Education Freedom accounts that the parents can direct dollars to qualified private schools in order to help pay for tuition. This program is phased in over three years, which means we are not far from universal funding to help every Arkansas family choose the education they desire for their child without being limited by financials. The new accounts will provide 90% of the state's education foundation formula, which will pay full tuition for a student at Legacy Academy.

Here's how the new Education Freedom Accounts work for private school students:

Next YEAR 2023-24:

  • All incoming Kindergarten students qualify. So every Kindergarten student entering Legacy Academy will have FULL tuition paid.

  • All families on a Succeed Scholarship will convert to the new program.

  • All students in a foster care program qualify.

  • All students whose parents are active military.

  • All students who Iives in an "F" rated public school district (none of our immediate surrounding districts, but does include Mineral Springs Elementary, Blevins, and the Arkansas Virtual Academy elementary).

In 2024-25, this program expands further to include all of the above and add:

  • Any student who lives in a "D" rated district. We will have to wait on this year's ratings but currently, this would include students who live in the Ashdown district.

  • Children of military veterans.

  • Children of first responders.

In 2025-26, this program includes all the above and expands further to include ALL students in Arkansas.

In addition, to this new program coming on line, we will continue to help our families seek and receive important scholarships like the Philanthropic Scholarship and we will continue to work with families with our own in-house Eva Woods Scholarship.


After unfortunate delays, last year’s 2021-22 yearbooks are on the way and will arrive soon! 2021-22 yearbooks are available for purchase now at the school store.


Spring is full of lots of fun. Please help ensure your students fully participate in all the events and in all of their practices!

  • Tu 3/28 3-5 - Upper Level Follies rehearsal

  • W 3/29 3-5 - Upper Level Follies / Dance practice

  • Th 3/30 2-5 - Upper Level Follies rehearsal

  • F 3/31 3-4:30 - Track practice (6th grade and up)

Upcoming Dates

April 1 Track Meet (Little Rock)

April 6 Spring Follies

April 7 Good Friday (No School)

April 15 Track Meet (Little Rock)

April 22 Spring Formal (Freshmen-Seniors)

May 1-5 Teacher Appreciation Week (Parents, can you help with this?)

May 2-4 Benchmark Exams

May 6 HCAA State Track Meet (Fayetteville)

May 12 Water/Field Day

May 18 Honor & Awards Ceremony

May 25 End of Quarter/Last day of school

May 25 Commencement

June 5-9 Otter Basketball Camp. 3rd-12th graders. Save the date! Required for all basketball team members!

Dates for Summer School and Summer Warrior Program to be announced soon.

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124 Darter Circle 

Lockesburg, Arkansas 71846

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