Welcome back, Warriors! It is going to be a great year. We are looking forward to learning a lot, having a ton of fun, and growing together in the Lord! It will be a year of working hard and playing hard. A new year is always exciting because it brings the opportunity to start afresh--let go of old things and start over. For everyone, it is a brand new year! Let's take advantage of this fresh start the Lord has given us and make the very best of it. Let's please Him in all we do and keep this as our aim for each day!
Any time a new year starts, kinks can arise that need a remedy. Be patient and let us know of any concerns you might come across. As the new year unfolds, we will work together to make any needed adjustments.
We are especially happy to have the new daycare, Bright Beginnings, opening Monday on the first day of school. We are in the process of applying to be able to accept daycare vouchers, but that may take some time. In the meantime, we have a few limited daycare spots available. Pass the word if you know anyone needing childcare.
We can't wait to see each of you on Monday. It's going to be great!
PS. be sure to note that the formal uniform date for the Upper Level has changed to Thursdays from Wednesdays!
Coming Up This Week
Monday, August 28 -- First Day of School
Wednesday, August 30 -- Cross Country (XC) 6:30am
Thursday, August 31 -- XC 6:30am
Thursday--formal uniform day for upper level!!!
Monday, September 4 -- No School -- Labor Day
First Day of School
Parents may drop off their children from 7:30am on Monday morning. There will be a photo booth set up in the cafeteria for families and friends to take photos together.
The Warrior Shop will also be open.
Pick Up & Drop Off
No children should be dropped off before 7:30 am.
Daycare pick-up and drop-off
Daycare parents, please bring your children into the building and sign them in/out each morning and afternoon. This is a state law for licensed daycare programs.
K-12 pick-up and drop-off
Parents if you are in line for the North door drop off/pick up, please leave room for daycare parents to exit the campus, on your left nearest the daycare, without joining the K-12 line.
K-12 parents coming into the school
Parents may park by the main door to come into the school with their students. Any students being dropped off after 8am must be signed in by their parents.
Cross Country Practices
This week, there is no practice on Monday morning. Practice will be on Wednesday and Thursday mornings at 6:30am. There is also no practice this Saturday, September 2.
Basketball Practice Schedule for the first week
There is NO before or after school practice for boys or girls on MONDAY, the first day of school.
Girls' Practice this week:
T. 3-4:30pm (after school)
W. 7:30-8:50am (before school)
Th. 7:30-8:50am (before school)
F. 3-4:30pm (after school)
Boys' Practice this week:
T, W, Th, F until 4:30pm after school
After this week:
Girls' Practice this week:
M. 7:30 am-8:50 am (before school)
T. 3-4:30pm (after school)
W. 7:30-8:50am (before school)
Th. 7:30-8:50am (before school)
F. 3-4:30pm (after school)
Boys' Practice this week:
M,T, W, Th, F until 4:30pm after school
Upper-Level Student Planners
All Upper-Level students will receive a planner on Monday. These will be for all homework to be recorded and are a tool to help students, teachers, and parents partner together effectively. Parents, please check your student's planner and help us ensure it is being used.
Student Handbook
The 2023-2024 LA Student Handbook was distributed to all families on Thursday and can also be found on our website. All families should become familiar with the information in it, as answers to many common questions can be found in it.
We are still Hiring -- Teacher's Aide
We are considering hiring an additional teacher’s aide. If you know someone who would fit well in Legacy Academy, applications can be made on our website.
Student Accounts
All families received their tuition invoice on Thursday at Orientation.
Please note that all payment plans are limited to 9-month installments. If you have not yet paid your yearly curriculum fees, you can do so in the front office or online. Curriculum fees must be paid and tuition arrangements made and signed in order for your student to begin classes on Monday. Please also note that curriculum fees have increased by $25 to include an events fee, e.g. the price of Warrior Day and Water Day t-shirts. This will help us avoid having to collect those payments during the year.
Link to pay fees online.
Labor Day
There will be no school Monday, September 4th in honor of Labor Day.