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LA News -- 12th October--WARRIOR DAY WEEK!

Warrior Day - Friday, October 14th

It's time to show some school spirit and to kick off basketball season!

Friday October 14th is a bumper day in our school calendar with Warrior Day happening 8-3, the Ashlee Fisk Benefit Dinner 5-6, and Navy White Night from 6-8! There are a lot of details about the day, so please read carefully.

T-shirts will be sent home with students on Thursday. Please pay for these online at the Warrior Store or by bringing cash or check payment to the office. Students should wear their t-shirts to school on Friday along with uniform bottoms (shorts/skirt/pants). Students may also paint their faces and add temporary hair color (blue, white and silver only). Get into the WARRIOR SPIRIT!

All students should be picked up at 3pm. There is no basketball practice.

High school students will be able to earn service hours starting from 3pm throughout the evening. There will be a number of preparation and cleaning-up jobs to be done. Contact Mrs. McCleskey for details (

During all the fun and festivities, we want to make sure that everyone is able to have a great time and enjoy themselves, while also remaining safe. Because we will have two different events happening, please make sure that you watch out for your children and don't allow them to run around campus without your direct supervision.

We will start serving dinner at 5pm for Ms. Fisk's benefit. There will be to-go plates or you may eat in the auditorium. You may also eat in the stands during the Navy/White Night! Additional donations will be accepted. Please spread the word and let's have a GREAT Turnout of support for this.

At 6pm, following the benefit, we will have our Navy/White Night. It is a fun night of parents playing against students, teams scrimmaging, shoot-offs, and more. Even our pee wee players will have a role this year. It is a great night of fun. ADMISSION IS FREE.

Come support our teams and let's have a great night together!

Flu Shots -- October 17th

The Sevier County Health Unit is working with Legacy Academy to offer flu vaccines to students on October 17th. These are free of charge whether or not you have health insurance! Vaccine information and consent forms have been sent home with students and must be returned to the office. REMEMBER, only students with a signed ADH consent form will be receiving the flu vaccine during the time that it is offered at the school.

If you have any questions or concerns please email Nurse Kesterson at or call the front office.

End of Quarter 1 -- October 21

The end of the first quarter of school is Friday, October 21.

The school sends home report cards each quarter, and student profiles are sent home after the first and fourth quarters. These will be sent home with your children one week after the quarter ends, on Friday, October 28.

If you have questions about the report cards or profiles, please contact your child's teacher for academic questions or the office for general questions.

Picture Day -- October 26th

Mark your calendar for picture day on Wednesday, October 26th. Photos can be ordered at Lifetouch online ordering allows you to customize packages and preview proofs! Visit with our school Picture Day ID: EVTDFDN7N to order your pictures online. Online orders can be placed before picture day.

Flyers and order forms were sent home with students last week, which can be used instead. Please send order forms and payment with your student only on picture day (online orders can be placed any time). Additional forms are available in the front office.

Pee Wee Basketball Sign-up

Pee Wee Basketball sign-up forms are out. Please complete the form and return it to the office! It can also be completed online here.

More details regarding practice schedules and games will be forthcoming.

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