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Writer's pictureLegacy Academy

Christmas Time--Legacy's Latest for the week of December 20, 2020

BASKETBALL MONDAY: The last basketball games of 2020 start at 4pm on Monday, as the Warriors host Valley Christian from Russellville. The Junior Boys will play first, followed by the Senior Girls, and then the Senior Boys. It will be a great night of basketball. We would really love to see a great turn out to support the teams. We will have pulled pork sandwiches and nachos in the concessions stand and have plenty of room to social distance and stay safe. Let's make it a JINGLE BELL NIGHT and bring a bell of any kind to use cheer on the home team! Also, ALL ITEMS in the Warrior Shop will be at least 20% off for Monday night only!

AN OPPORTUNITY TO GIVE: As some of you may know, two devastating hurricanes hit the Central American country of Nicaragua a couple of weeks ago. It devastated the infrastructure, leaving thousands of people homeless and having lost all of their possessions. We have a relationship with six churches there and are currently participating in a clothing drive for the families there. We wanted to invite our Legacy Academy families to participate. This is a quick turnaround, as we plan to ship clothes to these families on 12/28, so we must have any clothes you'd want to donate before Christmas. This would include all sizes of shoes and clothes for adults and children. We are asking for clean clothes and shoes (no undergarments) that you already have in your closet and are able to depart with. No heavy winter clothes are necessary, as they would be inappropriate for the climate. If you would like to donate any clothing please email Whitney Tatum at (You can bring these to the basketball games on Monday night, as well! )

UPPER LEVEL PAST DUE WORK: If you have an Upper Level student, be on the look out for a message from teachers if your student has any outstanding or past due work. Students must be proactive to immediately turn in any past due work to at least get partial credit, or full credit if from absences or another excused reason. Teachers are working on grades and report cards.

THE MIRACLE OF CHRISTMAS: Christmas is such a wonderful time of the year. It's a time for family, sentiment and nostalgia, and giving. If we aren't careful we can easily miss the true meaning of Christmas--and even as Christians, we can undervalue the power of what Christmas really represents. We cannot let Christmas to be reduced to a nativity scene in our homes. It is much more than a beautiful baby in a manager long ago. The arrival of Christ into the earth represents the most powerful and daring rescue mission of all time. It was the execution of a long designed plan. The Son of God Himself, would limit Himself to the form of a helpless child, in order to eventually present a perfect life to God on our behalf--taking the punishment for our sins upon Himself. While much of the earth didn't notice at time, it was clear that the powers of darkness took note. It was known that the most brilliant rescue plan in history, spoken of by the prophets long ago, had begun. It was bold, brilliant, and successful! Christmas is not as much about a small baby in a manger, as it is about an all powerful God who expressed His might and power to rescue us! From your Legacy family--Merry Christmas. We will see you in 2021 and pray that it is the year that you and your family draw close to God--forgive old hurts, be healed of old wounds, discover new levels of faith and trust, strengthen your connection to other believers, serve God in new ways and come to know Him more than ever before!

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