Legacy Academy has been approved to offer the ACT on campus during school hours on October 4th and again in the Spring. Sophomore-Senior students will take the ACT through this offering. We are inquiring on permitting our Freshman to also take it through this special offer and will make a future announcement. Students will be shown how to set up their account at MyACT and will need your help in entering payment for the test at the appropriate time. The offer does make the test available for $39.95 instead of the normal $60 without writing and $85 with it.
We will offer some ACT prep sessions with Dr. Brecheisen. The first session is THIS SATURDAY--September, 18th 8am-12pm. This is very short notice but this is a brand new opportunity. This session is FREE for Legacy Academy Freshman-Seniors. Your students are also encouraged to purchase the Princeton Review ACT prep book. We will announce future sessions on Monday.
Sophomores-Seniors are encouraged to take the ACT as many times as possible. We also encourage them to take the SAT. Some students perform better on one over the other. Except for the exam being offered at our school on 10/05 and 04/19/22, students must go online and register. Note these important dates regarding these entrance exams:
10/05 Legacy Academy on Campus ACT
10/23 Test Date (my.act.org) Must register by 9/17
12/11 Test Date (Seniors please note this is the last test date some colleges will accept scores for incoming freshmen.)
2/12 Test Date (Some colleges will still accept this test score)
4/2 Test Date
SAT: (register HERE)
12/4 (Seniors please note this is the last test date some colleges will accept scores for incoming freshmen.)
For assistance registering or other questions contact Mr. Gallagher. Check out the Graduation section of the website, which includes our Graduation Guide.
