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A New Week

Hello parents, As we begin another week in this most unusual of circumstance please note that we are praying for you and your students! None of us could have predicted this current situation. We know that it has many frustrations and is creating new routines and challenges. Here are a few updates.

--At this time, we do not know when we will be able to open the campus back up and return to our normal school routine. We are anxious to get back to normal and will do so as quickly as possible.

Upper Level Students will continue to stream their classes through Zoom on their normal daily schedule. They are counted absent from their class if they miss the live stream, unless an arrangement has been made with the office otherwise. It is very important that every student be in class. It is our hope to finish this year's instruction without having to add a significant number of days to the school's calendar for the year. Further, student assignments are posted in Google Classroom and are primarily turned in there. Parents are encouraged to regularly check Google Classroom with your students to review what assignments they have been given and to see what students have turned in. If you are having any technical issues, please let us know so we can help you troubleshoot these and work through them. We know technology is creating new challenges and we are here to help.

Grammar Level Students will continue to use Google Classroom for assignments, turning in work, and to watch pre-recorded teacher videos at a time that works best for you. Paper packets can also be picked up and turned in at the school. Beginning this week we will also work with teachers, parents, and students to create a few live sessions where students can be online live to interact with their teachers and to socialize with their peers. This will also create an opportunity for questions to be answered. You'll be hearing from your child's teacher and our tech team regarding this roll out. Again, if you have any challenges whatsoever, please let us know and we will gladly work with you.

Empowerment Lab: Our Empowerment Lab is set up to provide assistance and tutoring for all of our students who might need any additional assistance or tutoring of any kind. The lab continues to operate full steam and you student can receive help where needed. Please coordinate with the EL team for your student if he/she is already set up. In addition, teachers may be able to set up private zoom sessions with you and/or your student to help with a particular subject or issue.

Extra projects and activities: This week we will begin to work on some additional fun PE, art, and other projects and activities for your students. Be on the look out for these things you can do at home!

Good Friday: We will still honor Good Friday this week and there will be no classes meeting on Friday. Enjoy the break.

Our Grounds: With all the rain we've had our grass is growing like crazy! To help keep tuition low we do NOT have a maintenance man or groundskeeper. We've always depended on our families to help. When each one does their part, we always get the job done. If you can mow or weedeat, please let us know. We need the help on this badly. This is a great way for some students to help, as well. Freshman-Seniors may receive service hours for this, as well. They should coordinate with Mrs. McCleskey to this end.

Next Year: We are already looking toward next year and one of the things we need to do is start hiring some additional staff members. If you know of anyone who would make a great teacher at Legacy Academy next year, please send them our way. We are ready to start adding a few new team members for the 2020-2021 school year!

While the times are challenging and full of the unknown and difficulties, we hope that you are finding the good in the midst of the circumstances. Isaiah 45:3 says, "I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden wealth of secret places, so that you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name." Surely this is a time of darkness in many regards, but we have a promise from the Lord to bring forth treasures in the darkness and to show us the valuable things that are hidden. Let this time be a time that you discover the treasures of the Lord. Let it be a time of drawing close to Him, reading His word with your children, spending valuable time with them, healing relationships, reprioritizing life on the things that are most important.

We are thankful for each of you and are standing with you. Please call on us if you need us!

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