Medication Forms
Parents, please note that these are different forms from the medical forms completed at the start of the year and MUST be filled out for all students. If you have not done so, please do so this week. The form can be found here.
Basketball SV Tournament
The HCAA SV tournament is happenign this week with the potential for five games. If each game is won, then the Warriors will progress to the next game. If they lose any of them, then their tournament is over. The Warriors play against the Prism Bears in Fort Smith Monday 10th February at 4pm. All games will be played in Fort Smith.
Monday 10th
Tuesday 11th
Thursday 13th
Friday 14th
Saturday 15th
The scheduled home game against Sovereign Community on Tuesday 11th is cancelled because of the tournament.
Legacy's inaugural Senior Game is Tuesday 25th February! Please can everyone make it a priority to attend to create the best send off for our first ever Senior Baller - Andrew Tucker!
Box Tops for Education
each of the remaining weeks in February that box tops for education, which earn money for our school, should be brought to Mrs. Ditzel’s room any time this month; they will be mailed in for redemption on March 1
Frontier Day Field Trip
Protege level students will participate in Frontier Day at Historic Washington State Park in Old Washington on February 14. Students will participate in hands on activities to learn about daily life in pioneer times.
The cost is $5.50 per person. Students should send money to school by February 13.
Students need to bring a sack lunch and water bottle.
Students should dress in their school uniform and wear comfortable shoes.
Parents must sign and return the permission slip.
Valentine's Day
For Valentine’s Day students may bring Valentines cards, so long as they bring them for the entire class—let's not have anyone left out. The school will also accept deliveries for students on that day from parents. They can be brought to the office and will be held there until being given out to the students before dismissal.