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LA News -- Week of September 9

Coming Up

  • M, Sep 9 -- Cross Country Practice, 6:30am

  • Tu, Sep 10 -- Cross Country Meet, Acorn 3:30pm

  • W, Sep 11 -- 4-H Meeting, Cafeteria 3:00-4:15pm

  • Th, Sep 12 -- Cross Country Practice, 6:30am


Upcoming Events

  • Th, Sep 19 -- Scholar Induction Ceremony (6:30 pm)

  • Fr, Sep 27 -- Warrior Day

Scholar Induction -- Thursday, September 19

Scholar Induction, our first formal event of the year, is happening on the evening of Thursday, September 19th at 6pm.

The Scholar Induction Ceremony is designed to induct our students into their final stage of learning at Legacy Academy. In this ceremony, we charge our oldest students with the importance of living an honorable life that matches the school's values, and we task them with the responsibility of setting an example for younger students. Our Rhetoric-level students are initiated in a ceremony that pronounces them as Legacy Academy Scholars. In this ceremony, they will receive their charge and are given their navy blazers. Their navy blazers become part of their formal uniform and will signify their status as role models and upperclassmen.

In addition, other students in the school are promoted to their rank and classification at the school with an accompanying charge. New Logic-level students (7-9) will become Apprentices, 3-6 Protégés, and K-2 Rookies. All students are reminded of their role and commitment at the school.

All K-12 students are asked to attend and should wear formal uniform.


Bus Drivers

We are in need of help to drive the bus for the upcoming year. If you are interested in helping with this, please let Mr. Smallwood know ( Legacy Academy will cover the cost of the CDL exam.

Cross Country

Tuesday, 3:30pm -- Acorn Meet

All teams will compete at the first meet on Tuesday. The bus will leave campus at 1:30pm. We will stop to eat after the competition, so please send money with your student athletes. Parents are always welcome to cheer on and support the team.

Meet Schedule:

All meets will be for all teams -- JG, JB, SG, SB.

  • Tu 9/10 -- Acorn

  • Tu 9/24 -- Mena

  • Tu 10/8 -- Nashville

  • Tu 10/15 -- Waldron

  • Fr 10/25 -- HCAA State Meet, Fort Smith

Our regular XC practice schedule will be Mondays and Thursdays at 6:30am.

Basketball Practice

Regular Practice Schedule:

All Basketball practices will happen after school this year.

All four teams (JG, JB, SG, SB) will practice from 3-5p M,Th,F this week. There is no practice on Tuesday due to the XC meet. If you are on the SG or SB team and not running XC, see Coach Gallagher for your after school workout schedule Tuesday.

Senior Teams only will practice on Wednesdays 3-5p. Junior teams will not practice on Wednesdays.

Special team workouts and other special events will be announced in advance.

Athletes should only miss a practice for an excused absence by discussing directly with a Coach. Team sports have a difficult time building successfully when players skip practice. It isn't fair to their teammates or their coaches.

Once games begin, we will lose game-day practices.

First Week of Classes

What a great first week back in the classroom! Here are some photos of the learning activities that have been taking place so far!

Curriculum Fees -- Past Due

Parents, as we are getting ready to start the new school year, we want to remind you that the curriculum fee was due August 15. Curriculum fees must be paid ASAP.

K-12 -- $200

Pre-K -- $100

You can pay it online (K-12 or Pre-K) or come by the office.

Yearbooks for Sale

2022-23 Yearbooks have arrived! They are available to purchase in the Warrior Shop.

2023-24 are now on sale on the LA online store! They are $20 each and will be available for pick-up later shortly.

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