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Writer's pictureLegacy Academy

LA News -- September 4

First Week in the Books!

The first week of the new LA school year was a success! We loved having our classrooms filled with students again -- learning, reading, playing, catching up, building relationships with each other, and looking ahead to the rest of what this year will bring!

Coming Up

This Week:

  • Wed 6th -- XC practice 6:30am

  • Thu 7th -- XC practice 6:30am

  • Thursday -- Formal Uniform Day for Upper Level


  • Tu 12th -- XC Meet 3:30pm @ Acorn

  • Sat 16th -- XC Meet 8:00am @ Trinity

  • Thu 21st -- Scholar Induction Ceremony

  • Fri 22nd -- 1 pm Dismissal

  • Sat 23rd -- LA Color Fun Run 6:00 pm

Basketball Practice

Boys have practice every day after school, from 3:00-4:30 pm.

Girls practice:

  • M 7:30-8:50 am (before school)

  • Tu 3:00-4:30 pm (after school)

  • W 7:30-8:50 am (before school)

  • Th 7:30-8:50 am (before school)

  • Fr 3:00-4:30 pm (after school)

Kindergarten Photos Needed

Kindergarten will be learning about timelines this week. Parents are asked to send pictures of their children from birth to their present age via email to Mrs. Figueroa at

Scholar Induction

Scholar Induction, our first formal event of the year, is happening on the evening of Thursday, September 21st.

The Scholar Induction Ceremony is designed to induct our students into their final stage of learning at Legacy Academy. In this, we charge our oldest students with the importance of living an honorable life that matches the school's values and tasks them with the responsibility of setting an example for younger students. Our new Rhetoric-level students (Sophomores) are initiated in a ceremony that pronounces them as Legacy Academy Scholars. In this ceremony, they will receive their charge and are given their navy blazers. Their navy blazers become part of their formal uniform and will signify their status as role models and upperclassmen.

In addition, other students in the school are promoted to their rank and classification at the school with an accompanying charge. New Logic-level students (7-9) will become Apprentices, 3-6 Protégés, and K-2 Rookies.

Cross Country Color Fun Run

To launch our Cross Country program, Legacy will be holding a Color Fun Run on Saturday, September 23rd. The event is free but food will be sold as a fundraiser for the team. To buy a BBQ sandwich will cost $15 to support the new team. We'd love for you to come and walk or run the course.

As well as raising funds for this nascent program in its first year, it is a great chance to get to know other families at the school, cheer on students, and maybe even get your legs moving! You can sign up for the 3km run (1.8 miles) here. There will be prizes for the 1st place Lower Level and Upper-Level student and for the most school-spirited runner!

The public is invited so bring them along!

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Webb at

Student Handbook

Please remember that the student handbook can be found here on our website. It is a useful resource to answer frequently asked questions about school policies. Becoming familiar with it will save you so many phone calls or trips to the office!

Pick Up & Drop Off

No children should be dropped off before 7:30 am.

Daycare pick-up and drop-off

Daycare parents, please bring your children into the building and sign them in/out each morning and afternoon. This is a state law for licensed daycare programs.

K-12 pick-up and drop-off

Parents, if you are in line for the North door drop off/pick up, please leave room for daycare parents to exit the campus, on your left nearest the daycare, without joining the K-12 line.

K-12 parents coming into the school

Parents may park by the main door to come into the school with their students. Any students being dropped off after 8am must be signed in by their parents.

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