Founder's Note
It is easy to look around the world and realize that we live in days that are ever-increasing in darkness. 2 Timothy 3 tells us that in the last days difficult times will come. If you read the chapter, the difficult times are all tied to the condition of the human heart. Never has it been more important for us to safeguard our hearts. Together, we have the honor of anchoring the hearts of our students in Christ alone, in the purity and truth of the written word of God, and in the tremendous value of listening to and obeying God with all our hearts. Please know that there is nothing more important to us, as a school than to stand along side you and see all of our students anchor their lives fully in Christ!
Coming Up
M 2/26 -- Track Practice 3-4:30 (6-12th)
W 2/28 -- Spring Follies Practice 3-4:30 (7-12th)
Th 2/29 -- Track Practice 3-4:30 (6-12th)
Fr 3/1 -- Early Dismissal 1pm
Sa 3/2 -- Track Meet, Acorn The Following Week:
M 3/4 -- Track Practice 3-4:30 (6-12th)
W 3/6 -- Spring Follies Practice 3-4:30 (7-8th)
Th 3/7 -- Track Practice 3-4:30 (6-12th)
Th-Fr 3/7-8 -- Oral Roberts University visit (Rhetoric students)
Fr 3/8 -- Spring Follies Practice 3-4:30 (9-12th)
Lunch Menu

Track Practices
Track season has now started, and this week our practices will be on Mondays and Thursdays after school until 430pm. 6th-grade students are invited to join. All basketball players are expected to participate in track. It is excellent off-season conditioning. The track and field events provide a nice variety for our student-athletes.
This Week:
M 3:00-4:30pm
Th 3:00-4:30pm
Track Meet: Saturday, March 2 -- Acorn High School
143 Polk Road 96, Mena, AR 71953
The bus will depart the school at 7 am. The meet will begin at 8am; first events at 8:30am and running around 11am.
We need some parent volunteers to help with timings and results for some of the events. If you can help, please let Coach Smallwood know (tim.smallwood@legacymail.org).
Save the Dates
Below are our currently scheduled track meets. Additional meets will be joined and are likely to take place on Tuesdays for Junior High (6-9) and Thursdays for Senior High (10-12).
Saturday, March 2
Saturday, April 27
Saturday, May 5 -- STATE MEET
Practices: Spring Follies and Spring Formal
As we approach Spring Formal (Freshmen-Seniors) and Spring Follies, we will be scheduling after-school practices for these events. For Follies, the Lower Level will rehearse during school hours, and the Upper Level will have some after-school practices.
Practices for the remainder of February are outlined above and will be forthcoming for March.
College Visits--Next ORU 3/7-8
Over the last couple of years, we've been intentionally visiting Christian colleges and universities with our older students. We've visited Ouachita Baptist University and Oklahoma Baptist University. Up next is Oral Roberts University in Tulsa. John Brown University is the next visit to follow thereafter, and others are being mapped out for next fall. Each of these visits is a good opportunity for students to be exposed to Christian education at the university level. Certainly, a student may find where they are supposed to go to college, if that is in God's design for their lives, but might also be that one class visited, one statement made, or one group conversation is the one that brings some clarity of sense of direction to them for this critical time of decision making in their lives.
Our Rhetoric students (Sophomores - Seniors) will make a trip to ORU on 3/7-8. Additional details will be sent home this week. If you have questions contact Mrs. Nix or Mrs. Garner. Thank you! Rhetoric students, please get your permission slip submitted!
Campus Progress Zone! New Fence & Gates
This week should begin the installation of new fencing along the front and east side of our campus, to include new gates at all vehicle entrances. Once complete, vehicles will have to pass through our gates to enter the campus. These will be automatically opened for school pick up and drop off and will have controlled access for other times during the day. This will give us another layer of campus safety and will contribute the aesthetics of our campus, as well. There will be more details and instructions coming after installation.

Solar Eclipse -- April 8th
On Monday, April 8, part of Arkansas will experience a total solar eclipse. Our school is in the path of totality so we are aiming to have a normal school morning and then do fun activities and watch the eclipse in the afternoon. Parents and families are invited to join us for the event, too. Keep an eye out for more details coming soon!
If you have any questions, please direct them to Mr. Ward: jeremiah.ward@legacymail.org

Scholarship Updates--important LEARNS NEWS
EFA Eligibility Expands
Education Freedom Accounts (EFAs) have expanded their eligibility for the upcoming new year. These include any affiliation with the military, ALL first graders (whether they are new to Legacy or not), first-time kindergarteners (must turn 5 by August 1st), law enforcement, firefighters (including volunteers), and any first responders. Students currently attending an F or D-rated public school also automatically qualify, as well.
These new accounts will provide 90% of the state's education foundation formula, which will pay full tuition for a student at Legacy Academy.
Applications can be filled out online.

Philanthropic Scholarships
PIAK is now open, families can apply with this link. This scholarship applies to any students transferring from a public school to a private school for the first time or entering into Kindergarten for the first time (must turn 5 before August 1st) AND whose family’s income is no more than 200% of the federal poverty guidelines.
Athletics Photos
Ordering athletics photos through Lifetouch is now done exclusively online for sports photos. Further instructions can be found in this flyer.
Class of 2024 NEWS!
Seniors--here are a few important notes!
Scholarship forms for local students from the local Farm Bureau agency can be picked up in the office from Mrs. Kesterson or Mr. Gallagher!
This is a link to information on the Arkansas Challenge Scholarship. This is an important scholarship that will pay for college courses--including many trade courses, at local and 4-year colleges.
Also, students who will go on to any additional study--academically or in trade will need to apply for FAFSA to get set up for scholarships and assistance. Click HERE to do so.
The Arkansas Future Grant is a scholarship for high-demand jobs in Arkansas. Many options are offered, including welding, automotive, diesel technology, HVAC, etc.
See Mr. Gallagher for more information or help with any of these.
A note will go out to senior parents soon about caps and gowns. In the meantime, please help make sure your senior is securing their required service hours and is on track to complete their capstone project!
Arkansas Community Foundation Scholarships now available
Arkansas Community Foundation recently announced that scholarships are now available for Arkansas students.
Arkansas students that are pursuing education at two or four year colleges or universities, vocational schools or technical training programs can apply for the Community Foundation’s scholarships.
Community Foundation president and CEO Heather Larkin said-quote “Since 1976, the Community Foundation has partnered with individuals and organizations who want to support students in their pursuit of higher education.”
Scholarships with statewide eligibility include:
Advancing Women in Transportation Scholarship, provides a scholarship to female students who plan to pursue a career in a transportation related field in Arkansas
Anne Pressly Scholarship, to memorialize the legacy of Anne Pressly and support a graduating high school senior woman who plans to pursue a career in Journalism
Arkansas Service Memorial Scholarship, for students who are children of Arkansans who lost their life in service in the state, nation or community
Barbara Mashburn Memorial Scholarship, provides a scholarship for a graduate of an Arkansas high school pursuing an education as a vocalist
East Student Scholarship, provides a scholarship to a graduating senior who attends any high school with an EAST program
Elizabeth G. Redman Republican Party of Arkansas Scholarship, for students who are members of or active in the Republican Party of Arkansas
Herchel and Melba A. Fildes Scholarship, provides a scholarship to students studying nursing and attending Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas or Arkansas State University in Beebe
Lillian McGillicuddy Republican Party of Arkansas Scholarship, for students who are members of the Arkansas Federation of Young Republicans or are active in the Republican Party of Arkansas
Marie and Bob Marshall Republican Party of Arkansas Scholarship, for students who are members of or active in the Republican Party of Arkansas
Merwin T. and Agnes Bowman Nursing Scholarship, for students seeking a Bachelor of Science in Nursing or equivalent degree from a qualified institution
Poultry Federation Scholarship, provides scholarships to students pursuing a degree related to the poultry industry and attending a school in the University of Arkansas system, Arkansas State University system, Arkansas Tech University or Southern Arkansas University
Robert P. Atkinson Hospital Leadership and Scholarship, provides a scholarship to students pursuing an advanced degree with an emphasis in healthcare and/or hospital administration
Ryan Mondy D.A.S.H. Memorial Scholarship, provides scholarships to graduating seniors whose lives have been affected by cancer
For more information about these and other scholarships, visit www. arcf.org/scholarships. Deadline for scholarships can be found on the application portal.
We are Enrolling New Students

We are Hiring!
Don't forget we need substitutes. Please contact the office if you might be able to sub -- office@legacymail.org.
We are also hoping to hire one additional grammar-level teacher for the remainder of this year. Applicants should have a bachelor's degree.
We are beginning our hiring efforts for next school year, as well. Help us find the perfect teacher match and fill positions!
