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LA News April 2

Easter Approaches

"How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered! How blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit!" Psalms 32:1-2

Verse 5 goes on to say, "I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I did not hide; I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord"; And You forgave the guilt of my sin."

Humans are sinful. We were born that way. All of us. We cannot do enough good to overcome our sinful nature. We cannot. Forgiveness only comes from God through true repentance. True repentance is to acknowledge that our ways are insufficient and that we cannot and should not be the masters of our own lives. To repent is to turn away from our sins and to submit our lives to God--allowing Him to truly direct our lives. This can only happen through Christ. He shed innocent blood as atonement for our sins, offering a sacrifice that could be applied to us if we would only repent, accept this free gift, and become one who follows Him. It really is a blessing to be forgiven.

We've all wronged others and certainly, we have wronged the Lord, fallen short of His expectations, and deviated from His ways. Sin is a heavy load to bear. Forgiveness is a beautiful thing. It feels liberating to be forgiven. I am very grateful when others forgive me and especially thankful for the Lord's redemption and forgiveness. As we consider the power of His death on a cross and the empty tomb, let us rejoice in His forgiveness offered and choose anew to follow Christ in all of our ways.

This Week

  • Tuesday - 3-5 Upper-Level Spring Follies practice

  • Wednesday - 3-5 Upper-Level Spring Follies practice

  • Thursday - Spring Follies 6:30 pm

  • Friday - No School

  • Saturday - High School Parents' dance practice

Spring Follies -- Thursday, 6:30 pm

It's the funniest show of the year--SEVIERLY FUNNY!

Please join us for Spring Follies on April 6 at 6:30 pm. Spring Follies is a variety show of comedy skits, singing, and dancing acts that include everyone from PK to 12th grade! The students have been working hard to perfect their performing skills. You won’t want to miss it!

Any questions should be directed to Mrs. Kesterson at the office.

Good Friday

There is no school on Friday! Enjoy the long weekend as we look forward to the end of the school year. We still have plenty to get ready for and look forward to, including Water Day, Spring Formal, Honor and Awards Ceremony, and our Class of 2023 Commencement.

Parents Dance Practice: Spring Formal

For any parents of high schoolers who want to learn, Dr. and Mrs. Lofton will be hosting a dance class on Saturday, April 8 with Mr. Wright and Ms. Gallagher. If you want to get a taste of what your children have been learning and try your hand at some basic steps, come along and enjoy finger food and an evening of fun!

It is for complete beginners, so come with a willing attitude to try something new and have lots of fun! 6 pm at the East Room.

Upcoming Dates

April 6 Spring Follies

April 7 Good Friday (No School)

April 15 Track Meet (Little Rock)

April 22 Spring Formal (Freshmen-Seniors)

May 1-5 Teacher Appreciation Week (Parents, can you help with this?)

May 2-4 Benchmark Exams

May 6 HCAA State Track Meet (Fayetteville)

May 12 Water & Field Day

May 18 Honor & Awards Ceremony

May 25 End of Quarter/Last day of school

May 25 Commencement

June 5-9 Otter Basketball Camp. 3rd-12th graders. Save the date! Required for all basketball team members!

Dates for Summer School and Summer Warrior Program to be announced soon.

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