Coming Up
M -- Lower Level Red Colony Tree Farm field trip
Tu 4:30 -- JB/SG/SB v. Trinity
Th 11/9 -- Picture Day
Th 11/9 --Pee Wee Practices begin!
Fr 5:30 -- SG/SB @ Foreman
T 11/14 5pm--Basketball games: Home
Th-Sat 11/16-18 -- Columbia Senior High basketball tournament
Fr 11/17 Thanksgiving Feast
11/20-24 -- Thanksgiving Break
11/20-21 Otter basketball workouts at the gym with Jason Otter
Lunch This Week

Boys Practice:
Normal practice each day. Both teams stay on Tuesday to get ready for games.
There is no JB practice on Friday since we have away games in Foreman on Friday.
Girls Practice:
M-Fr Gym 6:30 am
No afternoon practices.
Here's the link to this year's Basketball Schedule.
Upcoming Basketball Games:
Tu Nov 7, 4:30pm v. Trinity JB/SG/SB
Fr Nov 10, 5:30pm @ Foreman SG/SB
Tu Nov 14, 5pm v. Premier & Jacksonville Christian JB/SB
Th-Sat Nov 16-18 @ Columbia Jamboree SG/SB
Red Colony Tree Farm Trip -- Monday, November 6
Monday field trip for lower level (Pre-K to 6th Grade) to the Red Colony Tree Farm in Lockesburg. Students will be leaving around noon and returning before the end of the school day. Students should dress to be outside according to the weather of the day!
Ensure the field trip permission form has been turned in. Contact your child's teacher if you have not yet!
Thanksgiving Feast -- November 17
Our annual Thanksgiving Feast is November 17th at 11:00 and planning has begun. We will need help with set up, clean up, and volunteers to bring food. This is a day for our Legacy Academy family to enjoy food and community together! All families and siblings are encouraged to join.
We will need volunteers to make food (sides, desserts, and main courses) set up, and clean up. If you are interested in volunteering or would like to bring a dish, please let us know by filling out the form below.
In order to help us be mindful of our wonderful kitchen staff, please bring your food in disposable containers or take your dishes home when you leave. This will allow them to leave when everyone else does and not have to stay late before Thanksgiving Break. Thank you!
If you have any questions, call the office at (870) 642-8937 or email Cynthia.Kesterson@legacymail.org.
Winter Weather
Parents, as colder weather is approaching fast, please remember to dress your children accordingly. Even though it is warming up throughout the day, it is still cold in the mornings. Since they will still be outside in for morning breaks, and for recess, please dress them in proper cold-weather clothes. Thank you!
Oratory Program
On Thursday evening, our upper-level students presented speeches, poems, and literature excerpts, which showcased their poise, skill, and confidence as well as the rigor of their studies. Students deliberately practiced presenting a variety of literature with the appropriate tone of voice, emotion, and dignity. Training students in public speaking is about more than simply reading and speaking; confidence and clarity underpin numerous life skills, thought processing, and personal awareness.