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Writer's pictureLegacy Academy

LA News 2/21-24/2023

We hope that everyone had an enjoyable President's Day Weekend. It was a great weekend for our senior girls Lady Warriors, who after a tough schedule in the season pulled it together for 5 games winning streak and captured their first-ever state title by becoming the HCAA 1A Girls' State Champions! Congrats, ladies.

All-State Athletes:

Congrats to our own Senior Ethan Gallagher, Senior Dori Bartek, and Sophomore Oaklee Lofton for being selected as HCAA All-State Players. More details on their selection to come!

Athletics This Week:

There will be no after-school athletics this week.

Track practice and off-season basketball will begin next week.

Lower Level students will be participating in the upcoming Battle of the Books competition. Parents, watch for information coming home from your student's teachers.

Past Due Work:

Parents, as we march into the middle of the Spring Semester, please help keep your students current on homework. We are committed to working with parents and students anytime a student is struggling or falling behind. Sometimes all of us have challenges or difficulties in different areas of life, different subjects, or just an overall rough patch. We want to closely work with families when this happens. However, we have also experiences students who are simply not making a proper effort in their studies, have a nonchalant attitude about completing their homework, and are creating hardship for themselves and their teachers when homework due dates are ignored.

Students who do not turn work in on time perpetuate academic distress by incurring penalties for late work. Parents, please help track your students' work and require them to complete and submit their work on time.

Save the Date! Spring Follies April 6th.

Spring Follies is coming. Save the date for the greatest show on earth!!!

Spring Formal--April 22nd.

Spring Formal is coming for Freshman-Senior students. As with all school events, ALL students in these grades are required to attend. Full participation helps craft the culture of the school and helps create the environment we are striving for as a school. These events are also a lot of work to put on as an act of love and care from a host of volunteers for our students. Participation is a way to express gratitude.

There is assistance available if a family cannot afford a ticket to the Spring Formal. Please see the office if assistance is needed.

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

Philippians 4:8

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