Founder's Note
Prayer. It's an amazing thing to realize that we can communicate directly with the Creator of everything. That in fact, He wants us to and that our prayers matter to Him. That He invites us to come boldly to His throne (Hebrews 4:16), to make our petitions known to Him (Philippians 4:6-7), and that the prayers of the righteous accomplish much (James 5:16).
In Acts 12:13-25 the saints gathered up to pray because Peter had been imprisoned and his life was at risk. They petitioned God strongly asking for Peter to be released. While they were still praying Peter showed up at the gate! The young girl who answered the gate, Rhoda, was so excited she ran back inside to tell everyone without even letting Peter in!
Prayer works and it matters. Like the followers of Jesus in Peter's day, we have an enemy. He wants to deceive and harm our children, hurt our families, and destroy our walk with God. We cannot underestimate how important it is to pray. Let's all commit to praying daily for all of our students, their families, and our school overall.
Lord, we thank you for these children. We pray that you will cause each one to come to know and love you and to see the deceptions and temptations of the world as lies meant to rob them. We pray that they will realize they weren't meant to live as slaves to sin but to be alive to You and to walk in peace and friendship with You--made possible through the blood of Jesus if we truly repent and follow. We pray that each of our families would be sensitive to You and that we will all work to reset our families day by day to truly please You. We also pray that You will place a hedge of protection upon the ministry of our school. Provide for it, guide it, watch over it, and help us each to day by day calibrate every aspect to please and honor you.
In Jesus Name, Amen
Coming Up
Tu 1/16 Basketball GAMES CANCELLED--v. Trinity Christian (normal practice)
W 1/17 4-H Meeting 3pm @ LA Cafeteria
W 1/17 Basketball 4pm Umpire Junior High Tournament JB v. TBD (Winner of Dierks v. Mineral Springs)
Th 1/18 Pee Wee Game 5pm Away v. Delight (3/4G, 3/4B, 5/6G, 5/6B)
Fr 1/19 Basketball 5:30 pm Home v. Stephens Christian (JB, SB)
Su 1/21 Pee Wee Practice 2pm (2/4 G&B); 3:30pm (5/6 G&B)
Lunch Menu

Weather---School is open Tuesday 1/16!
We hope everyone enjoyed the little bit of snow Sevier County received. We'd love to see your snow pics. As of the time this newsletter goes out, we are planning to have school on Tuesday, January 16th. All of the main roads are clear and no more precipitation is expected. Give yourself additional time to creep on side and neighborhood roads and be careful. Stay warm tonight!
If there is a change in plans we will update through REMIND and Facebook.
4-H Meeting -- Wednesday, January 17
4-H Parents,
We will get back to having our monthly meetings every 3rd Wednesday (January 17th). As usual, we will meet right after school is out in the cafeteria. If you’d like to offer to bring some snacks, please let us know what you could bring. We normally plan to feed 14-20 kids every meeting.
Please also note that this form to register all 4-H students needs to be completed every year. If you have any questions about 4-H, please contact Mr. or Mrs. Bartek.
The Umpire JH tournament is being played this week. Our junior girls lost a close game against Foreman on Saturday. If our junior boys team is successful on Wednesday, there will be more games for the rest of the week. The full JB bracket is below.
Games This Week
Trinity has canceled our game for Tuesday evening. We hope to reschedule soon.
Wednesday, 1/17 JB play in the Umpire Tournament at 4pm. The bus will leave at 230pm.
If the boys win, they will have a game on Thursday 1/18 at 5pm. If they win that, they will play on Saturday at 7pm, or at 5pm if they lose.
Friday, 1/19 Home v. Stephens Christian - JB, SB starting at 5:30pm
***Please note that Senior Night for Basketball has been moved to January 22nd to be held during our home games v. Oden.

Practices This Week
Girls' practice Tu-Fr 7am
Boys will have their normal after-school practices this week.
Pee Wee
Thursday, 1/18 Games Away v. Delight - 3/4G, 3/4B, 5/6G, 5/6B starting at 5pm
Gym Address: 621 East Cherry Street, Delight, AR 71940
Practice, Sunday, 1/21
2-4 B&G from 2-3:30pm
5/6 B&G from 3:30-5pm
Report Cards
Report cards were sent home with students on Friday afternoon. If you have any questions about the report cards, please contact the classroom teacher in the first instance.
Staffing & Substitutes
Don't forget we need substitutes. Please contact the office if you might be able to sub -- office@legacymail.org.
We are also hoping to hire one additional grammar-level teacher for the remainder of this year. Applicants should have a bachelor's degree.
We are beginning our hiring efforts for next school year, as well. Help us find the perfect teacher match and fill positions!
Social Media Article
Social media is a powerful way to stay connected to loved ones, get news about current events, and engage in positive interactions with people around the globe. However, there is a strong possibility that overuse of social media can lead to addiction with dire effects. Read this interesting article we found: